Orthodontic treatment plays a critical role in helping kids optimize their oral health now as well as during their adult years. But while most parents understand the important benefits of orthodontic treatment, you may be less clear about when treatment should begin.

At Constant and Contro Orthodontics in Cupertino, California, our team focuses on individually tailored treatment plans for every patient, and that includes recommending the best time to begin treatment.

In this post, learn more about the timing of orthodontic care for your child and why an early orthodontic evaluation is so important.

Timing your child’s orthodontic treatment

First of all, it’s important to know that it’s almost never too late for braces. Orthodontic treatment can be a great choice for people of all ages — even seniors. When it comes to kids, it’s ideal to schedule treatment during your child’s active growth and development phase.

According to the American Association of Orthodontists (AAO), that usually means between the ages of 9-14. During those five years, many adult teeth emerge, making it an ideal time to optimize your child’s bite.

Adolescence is also a time when your child can properly care for their teeth and their braces or aligners. Both braces and aligners require special care to keep treatment on track. Braces especially require your child to learn and practice special brushing and flossing techniques to get around wires and brackets and keep their teeth and gums healthy.

Plus, adolescence is a time when many kids are motivated to take care of their appearance. That greater motivation can help your child stay on track with their care routine and other aspects of their orthodontic treatment.

The importance of early evaluation

Just because many kids begin treatment between the ages of 9-14, that doesn’t mean it’s the ideal time for every child. It also doesn’t mean you should wait until then to have your child’s teeth and bite evaluated by our team.

The AAO recommends every child have an orthodontic evaluation at around age seven. By that time, your orthodontist can determine how your child’s teeth and bite pattern are developing, as well as spotting potential issues early on.

Early evaluation enables our team to recommend interventional treatments when needed to address orthodontic issues as they emerge. Some types of early orthodontic treatment are designed to correct bite issues before they occur, enabling your child to shorten the time they wear braces or even potentially avoid the need for braces altogether.

Even when your child doesn’t require early interventional treatment, having an initial orthodontic evaluation by age seven helps us plan their care needs, so you and your child can feel confident about future treatment recommendations.

A lifetime of beautiful smiles

By aligning your child’s teeth and optimizing their bite pattern, orthodontic treatment helps your child enjoy better oral health and a more beautiful smile now and for the rest of their life. To schedule an orthodontic evaluation for your child, request an appointment with our team at Constant and Contro Orthodontics online or over the phone today.

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